Small Business

The Day EC Writes was Born

If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.

Do you ever feel unfulfilled, lost and uninspired? Do you find yourself staring at a blank screen, the clock ticking and the seconds slowly falling away from you?

Well, guess what? That was me and yet at the time, I didn’t know it. While I loved working as cabin crew and flying around the world, staying in hotels and eating takeaway food soon wears off after a while – trust me.

As it turns out, destiny had other plans for me anyway, you see I soon found myself thrown into the world of clinical research, then retail and finally electroencephalography at a local hospital.

Despite loving every role for its own unique reasons, the people, learning a new skill or simply feeling rewarded when I helped to make a small difference to someone’s day, I still found myself in a trance looking outside the window wondering what else awaited me.

Fast forward four years and I have finally found my niche, the very thing that makes my heart smile with joy. What made me step outside of my comfort zone?

Well, now that is another story which I shall share with you in next week’s post.

Emma x

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